7. Debugging and Q&A

Here are a few tips for common errors.

Got this Error?
Check this...

Got redirected to /auth/unauthorized (the failureRedirect route)

Looks like the authentication went as planned till the end, but still failed. Check that your clientSecret is correctly set (this is probably the problem).

This most likely happens if you have set the param enableProof to true, and you did not pass the correct clientSecret.

Failed to obtain access token

You re probably passing an incorrect callbackURL.

The callbackURL parameter of the passportSIWW strategy must start with http://...; if you sent a relative path, such as /auth/siww/callback, you just cannot be called back from the SignWithWallet server.

Failed to obtain access token (2)

Another case of failure is if you pass in the parameters authorizationURL or tokenURL or profileURL, the unsecure http://signwithwallet.com/ instead of https://signwithwallet.com/

This application is not properly configured for authentication

You are probably calling with an invalid app_id.

The ClientID parameter of the passportSIWW strategy must be a registered app_id, which you got at configuration time

Could not identify caller!

This should not show up in normal case. A refresh of the page will generally fix it.

If you encounter errors outside this range, do not hesitate to DM use (twitter @SignWithWallet)

Last updated